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Series One- The Papers of General Robert L Eichelberger (1886-1961) from the William R Perkins Library- Duke University

Part 4: Subject Files, Writings, Speeches, Photographs and Oversize Material


Military Papers Series
Siberian Expedition Subseries

Box 28: Siberian Expedition, 1917-1918 (4 folders)
Frank L Cole -"Notes on Siberian Expedition", 1918 (1 folder)
Siberian Expedition, 1918-1919 (1 folder)

Box 29: Siberian Expedition, 1919 (5 folders)
Land Defence of Vladivostok, Siberia, August 1919 (1 folder)
Laurence B Packard "The Czechoslovaks in Russia:", August 1914-February 1919 (72pp) (1 folder)
Karl Phillip, 1919 (small notebook; very faint) (1 folder)

Box 29 continued: Siberian Expedition:
Reports: 3 January-7 February 1919 (folder 1 of 2)

Box 30: Siberian Expedition:
Reports: 3 January-7 February 1919 (folder 2 of 2)
Reports: February-15 April 1919 (1 folder)
Reports: April-July 1919 (1 folder)

Box 30 continued: Siberian Expedition:
Reports: 9 July-16 August 1919 (1 folder)
Reports: 11 August-10 October 1919 (1 folder)

Box 31: Siberian Expedition:
Reports: 11 October-25 December 1919 (1 folder)
Reports: 1919-1920 (3 folders)

Box 31 continued: Siberian Expedition, January-April 1920 (1 folder)
Siberian Expedition, May 1920-February 1924 (1 folder)
Summary, American and Allied Intervention, 1920 (1 folder)
Eugene Trupp "Leaflets from the History of the Civil War in Russia," 1920 (1 folder)
Siberian Expedition, 1921-1922 (1 folder)
Siberian Expedition, Miscellaneous, n.d. (1 folder)

Writings and Speeches Series
Chronological Subseries

Box 66: Writings and Speeches, 1920-1950
1920-1945 (1 folder) [also includes towards rear of file some other texts; p4 of the text of the Potsdam Declaration is missing from the original].
30 May 1944-1947 (1 folder; items 1-22 with index at front of folder; Addresses and Personal Messages by Lt. General Robert Eichelberger)
1946 (1 folder)
1947 (1 folder)
1948 (1 folder)
1949 (1 folder)
1950 (1 folder)

Box 67: Writings and Speeches, 1951-1959
1951-1952 (1 folder)
1953 (1 folder)
1954 (1 folder)
1955 (1 folder)
1956-1957 (1 folder)
1958 (1 folder)
1959 (1 folder)

Box 68: Writings and Speeches, 1960-1961 and n.d.
1960-1961 (1 folder)
n.d. (2 folders)

Subject Subseries

Australia, 1948 (1 folder)
Biak, Schouten Islands, 4 April 1948-10 February 1949, n.d. (1 folder)
Buna, Hollandia Campaigns; Formation of Eighth Army, 18 March 1948-12 February 1949 (1 folder)
Buna, New Guinea, 1948 (1 folder)
Documents regarding the Eighth Army, n.d. (1 folder)
Glider Infantry, 187th, n.d. (1 folder)
Hollandia, New Guinea, 1948 (1 folder)
Future of Japan, 1947-1952, n.d. (1 folder)

Box 69: Writings and Speeches (continued):
Japan: Occupation of, 1948-1955, n.d. (1 folder)
Japan: War Criminals, 1948, n.d. (1 folder)
Korean War, 25 June 1953 (1 folder)
Douglas MacArthur, n.d. (1 folder) [Draft article on General MacArthur annotated by R.L.E. as "not written by me. Evident errors in statements. Probably to glorify MacA - article prepared in GHQ." 45pp; incomplete; pp1-5 and pp24-30 missing from original. Followed by a revised version, with minor annotations, entitled "MacArthur's Claim to Greatness". 37pp.]
Philippines, 1945-1948 (1 folder)
Siberia, 1946-1947, n.d. (1 folder)

Press Releases Subseries

Press Releases, 1938-1984, n.d.
1938-1945 (1 folder)
1946 (1 folder)
1947-1958 (1 folder)
1960-1984 and n.d. (1 folder)

Oversize Material

Oversize Box 73: Writings and Speeches, 1944-1946, and n.d. (1 folder)
Clippings, 1943-1948, and n.d. (1 folder)

[Boxes 70-74 comprise restricted material from the Dictation Subseries which is not available for filming]

Published Works Subseries

Box 75: Eighth U.S. Army - Up to Now!, (June 1965) 56pp. (1 volume)
Engineers of the Southwest Pacific, 1941-1945. Volume IV: Amphibian Engineer Operations. 766pp. (1 volume)
The Entry of the Soviet Union into the War Against Japan: Military Plans, 1941-1945. 107pp. (1 volume)
History of XI Corps, 15 June 1942 - 15 March 1946. 124pp. (1 volume)

Box 75 continued: History of the 32nd Infantry Division in WWII, (1953) 196pp. (typescript) (1 volume)
[Boxes 76-77 contain three large printed volumes and have been omitted. They are volumes of the West Point Year Book, entitled "The Howitzer" for the years 1909, 1941 and 1942.]

Box 78: Under the Southern Cross: The Saga of the Americal Division, (1949) 598pp. (typescript) (1 volume)
United States at War, 7 December 1944-7 December 1945 214pp. (1 volume)
102nd United States Cavalry, 1941-1942. 74pp. (1 volume)
1909 USMA Eleven Years After, (1920). 118pp. (1 volume)

Pictures Series
Places and Events Subseries

People Subseries

Boxes 79-89:
Photographs and Portraits: [After consulting staff at the William Perkins Library, Department of Special Collections, Duke University and the filming staff at Dataplex Corporation, North Carolina, it was decided to omit Boxes 79-89 from this microfilm project as reproducing this large quantity of pictorial, photographic and illustrative material posed a range of technical problems and copyright issues which could not be easily overcome.]
[3 folders of photographs of Eichelberger: In groups, 1939-1948 and n.d. have also been omitted because there are many duplicates]
[Boxes 90, 90a, 91 and 92 containing further photographs have also been omitted.]

Album Subseries

Boxes 93-97 and Oversize Boxes 81, 90, 91 and 92:
[These Albums and Folders of Photographs and other illustrative material have also been omitted for similar reasons.]

Box 98: Albums: Photographs
Volume XXI, "Occupation of Japan and Ceremonies at General Eichelberger's Retirement", 3-10 August 1948 (1 folder)
Volume XXII, Oversize material, [omitted]
Volume XXIII, "Visit of General and Mrs Eichelberger to Australia" 26-28 April 1952 (1 folder)
Volume XXIV, "Visit of General and Mrs Eichelberger to Australia" 26 April-8 May 1952 (1 folder)
Volume XXV, "The Artillery Centre, Fort Sills, Oklahoma" n.d. (1 folder, 1 volume)

[Box 99 contains miscellaneous photographs and has been omitted]

Printed Material Series
Oversize Material

Oversize Box 79: Printed Materials, 1943-1960 and n.d.
Saturday Evening Post, 20 February 1943 (1 folder)
Life, 22 May 1944 (1 folder)
Life, 8 October 1945 (1 folder)
The New York Times Magazine, 16 September 1945 (1 folder)
Manila Liberation 10th Anniversay: A Fookien Times Supplement, February 1955 (1 folder)
Japan - United States: Amity and Trade Centennial, May 1960 (1 folder)
Sydney and the Blue Mountains (1 folder)

Oversize Box 79 continued: "Our Bloody Jungle Road to Tokyo", serialised version in 7 issues of
The Saturday Evening Post, 13 August 1949-24 September 1949 (1 bound volume)

Printed Material Series

Box 100: Printed Material, 1893-1943 includes:
-"Class 8"
-"Real Heroes" (War Comic) 1943
-"War Heroes" (War Comic) July-September 1942
-"Fighting on Guadalcanal"
-"The Phi Gamma Delta", May 1943 (1 folder)

Printed Material, 1944-1945 includes:
-"The American Mercury"; "The Eighth Army"; "The Wild Cat";
-"Chronology of the War in the South West Pacific, 1941-1944";
-"Time", 10 September 1945;
-"Biennial Report of the Chief of the US Army to the Secretary of War",
1 July 1943- 30 June 1945; "The Phi Gamma Delta, December 1945 (1 folder)

Printed Material, 1946-1947 includes:
- Dinner, 10 January 1946; "Eighth US Army in Japan";
- Overseas Management of Dependents;
- Clemson Agricultural College, South Carolina; "New World News", January 1947;
- "Logistics", January 1947; Eighth Army Chapel Center, Yokohama, Japan (1 folder)

Box 100 continued; Printed Material, 1948 includes:
- "Chronicles"; "Armed Forces Talk"; "American Red Cross";
- "Keener View of Europe"; "Short Hauls"; "Bulletin Board";
- 1st NRA Annual Convention; "Philippine Constabulary Brassard";
- West Point Annual Dinner (1 folder)
Printed Material, 1949 (1 folder)
Printed Material, 1950-1952 (1 folder)

Box 101: Printed Material, 1952-1957 includes:
- Roster of Eminence, 1949-1952 (U S News and World Report);
- Pacific Neighbours. The Federal Journal of the Australian-American Association, vol 7, No 2,1952;
- The 1957 Australian-American Journal;
- General MacArthur, Major General Whitney: One of the Traces of the Occupation Army, 1953;
- Congressional Record, 84th Congress, first session;
- "From Knowledge the Power of Decision", by Colonel Frank Kowalski Jr, 1956;
- "XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg", 1957 (1 folder)

Printed Material, 1958-1960 includes:
- "Asheville Civilian", 14 January 1958;
- Fifth Annual Lake Logan Conference, 1959;
- American Overseas Military Cemeteries and Memorials, 1959;
- "The Presbyterian College Magazine", 1958;
- "The Atlantic" (including an article on the Siberian Expedition), January 1959;
- History & Comments on the Military Pay Bill of 1958 & why it should be amended;
- "Soviet Historiography and America's Role in the Intervention" by Georg F Kennan (from The American Historical Review, vol LXV, No 2, January 1960);
- "The Atlantic" (including an article on Why Japan Surrendered), October 1960 (1 folder)

Printed Material, 1961-1962 and n.d. includes:
- "Freemason's Eductional Bulletin", Vol 1, No12, Manila, 15 July 1961;
- "Welcome MacArthur!" Commemorative Souvenir Issue [1961 ?];
- "Asheville Civilian", 2 October 1961;
- "Assembly" (West Point Journal), April 1962;
- "From the Car Window, Tokyo - Kobe";
- "Kokichi Mikimoto and his People", by Dr Iwazo Ototake;
- First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry. Third Letter to Members of the Three Rolls;
- General Douglas MacArthur (American War Leaders. Series No 3);
- "Communism at Work in China", by Stanley Hornbeck;
- Fujiya Hotel; A Japanese Churchwoman writes to her friends in the US;
- "The Amphibious Eighth" (1 folder)

Printed Material, n.d. includes:
- "The Papuan Campaign: The Buna-Sanananda Operation"
- "War Stories" (1 folder)
[Boxes 102-104 containing News Clippings have been omitted]

Miscellaneous Series
Subject Subseries

Box 105: Army Mutual Aid Association, April 1949-March 1950, n.d. (1 folder)
Biographical materials about General and Mrs Eichelberger, 1942-1948, n.d. (1 folder)
Camouflage material, 1952 (1 folder)
Deaths of Robert L and Emma Eichelberger, 1961-1972 (1 folder)
[Documents pertaining to Helen Felder, 1943-1947 and 3 folders of Financial Papers have been omitted]
[Miscellaneous material in Boxes 106-112 consists of cannisters of film; scrapbooks and other items not suitable for filming. These Boxes have been omitted.]

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